my $wikilink = '';
my $restrictedpackages = "ssh -q kebab cat /home/ftp/pub/debian/dists/*/restricted/*/Packages";
+#### Host comments
+my %hostcomments = (
+ "ariel" => "<i>Niels Erik</i> does the manual upgrades",
+ "bellone" => "<i>Niels Erik</i> does the manual upgrades",
+ "cfrepous" => "<i>Wolfram</i> does the manual upgrades",
+ "leopard" => "<i>Wolfram</i> does the manual upgrades",
+ );
#### Get list of hosts
# I could use a hard-coded list, but I would forget to maintain it.
# Nagios knows most of our hosts. It even knows which are worth
$updlink =~ s/Opencontent-solrUpdates/OpenContentSolrUpdates/;
$table .= " <a href='$updlink' >Upd</a>";
$table .= "</td></tr>\n";
+ $table .= "<tr><td>$hostcomments{$H}</td></tr>\n"
+ if ( $hostcomments{$H} );
$table .= $det if $pkgs;
print "\n$table\n" if $debug>2;
last if $H =~/dart/ && $debug;