use IO::File;
+=head1 NAME
+IndexData::Utils::PersistentCounter - Perl extension imnlementing persistent counters
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use IndexData::Utils::PersistentCounter;
+ $counter = new IndexData::Utils::PersistentCounter($file, 1);
+ $n = $counter->next();
+ $n = $counter->next();
+ # ...
+ $n = $counter->delete();
+This library provides a simple persistent counter class for
+maintaining a counter on disk across multiple runs of a program. It is
+safe against multiple concurrent accesses (i.e. will not issue the
+same value twice to different processes). It can be used for
+applications such as generating unique record IDs.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new()
+ $old = new IndexData::Utils::PersistentCounter($file1);
+ $new = new IndexData::Utils::PersistentCounter($file2, 1);
+Creates a new counter object associated with a file which contains the
+persistent state of the counter. The purpose of the counter is to
+return consecutive integers on consecutive calls, even if those calls
+are made from multiple concurrent processes. The file stores the state
+across invocations.
+In the usual case (no second argument), the file must already exist;
+if it does not, it is not created, but an undefined value is returned.
+If a second argument is provided and its value is true, then a new
+counter file is created with initial value 1. Note that B<this will
+overwrite any existing file>, so use with caution.
sub new {
my $class = shift();
my($file, $create) = @_;
+=head2 next()
+ $n = $counter->next();
+Returns the next available integer from the specified counter, and
+increments the counter ready for the next invocation (whether that
+invocation is in this process or a different one).
+The first call of C<next()> on a newly created counter returns 1, not
+0. Each subsequent call returns a value one higher than the previous
sub next {
my $this = shift();
+=head2 delete()
+ $ok = $counter->delete();
+Permanently deletes a counter file. Returns true if the deletion was
+successful, false otherwise.
sub delete {
my $this = shift();
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mike Taylor, E<lt>mike@indexdata.comE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Index Data.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.