-$Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.41 1999-04-20 10:01:46 adam Exp $
+$Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.42 1999-12-10 10:42:25 adam Exp $
06/19/95 Release of ir-tcl-1.0b
03/22/99 Added Z39.50 sort. The following methods have been implemented:
sort (sends sort PDU), sortResponse (specifies sort handle) and
sortStatus (returns sort status - after response).
+12/10/99 Release of ir-tcl-1.3
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.7 1999-02-11 10:57:20 adam Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.8 1999-12-10 10:37:56 adam Exp $
all: ir-tcl.ps ir-tcl.txt ir-tcl.html
ir-tcl.txt: ir-tcl.sgml
- sgml2txt ir-tcl.sgml
+ sgml2txt -f ir-tcl.sgml
ir-tcl.ps: ir-tcl.sgml
sgml2latex --output=ps ir-tcl
sgml2html ir-tcl
ir-tcl.shtml: ir-tcl.html
- for f in ir-tcl*.html; do \
- out=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/.html/.shtml/'`; \
- sed -e 's@\(ir-tcl.*\).html@\1.shtml@' $$f | \
- sed -e 's@^<BODY>@<!--#include virtual="top.shtml"-->@' | \
- sed -e 's@^</BODY>@<!--#include virtual="bottom.shtml"-->@' >$$out; \
- done
rm -f [0-9]* *.bak *.aux *.tex *.ps *.dvi *.html *.shtml